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Bubbies Medium 4

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  • This set of 5 medium incut sloping jugs keeps everything positive (or not if you rotate them to the more slopey side). Includes screw-on option.
  • Hold Count: 5
    Size: Medium
    Style: Slopers
    Difficulty: Moderate
    Shaper: Jason Kehl
    Weight: 8.80 lbs

  • View Full Size Hold Color Options

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So iLL diagram showing the mini-jugs, pockets, slopers style of climbing holds a so ill diagram indicating the fungus of incut for a hold set.  This set is 3 out of 5 so ill climbing hold diagram indicating the best angles to use climbing holds on.  This set is best at slab, vert
So iLL diagram showing the mini-jugs, pockets, slopers style of climbing holds a so ill diagram indicating the fungus of incut for a hold set.  This set is 3 out of 5 so ill climbing hold diagram indicating the best angles to use climbing holds on.  This set is best at slab, vert


  • the so ill bubbies are being climbed on by so ill athlete Alita
  • the so ill bubbies are shown together as a family on a white background
  • a route setter uses the so ill bubbies to set a route at climb so ill
  • the so ill bubbies are being climbed on by a route setter

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