This starter kit of So iLL holds will keep you climbing your hardest. Our starter kits work great in a variety of applications. Each pack consists of small and/or medium holds.
Slopers. Pinches. Edges. Redesigned by the master shaper himself, Jason Kehl, the Iron Palm 2.0 includes more slopey slopers, a thicker, comfy incut top rung, redesigned pinches with nice thumb catches, and various sized edges.
Split it up. Inspired by the Iron Palm, we've developed a new board to help you customize your workout. The Split Palm is a 2-piece design by Jason Kehl that includes a hand positioning for jugs, slopers, pinches, and crimps.
Difficulty: Moderate
Shaper: Jason Kehl
3D Design: Martin Siegrist
Dimensions: Each piece individually measures 16.5" x 11" x 3 7/8" // 419mm x 279.4mm x 98.4mm
Info Holds The Beastmaker 1000 hangboard has been ergonomically designed for the hands of those who are a bit newer to climbing and training but want to progress quickly. This...