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Roids Small 5

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  • Set of 5 jugs with protruding orbs that make you reconsider your hand positioning and create some interesting thumb catches (nice for feet as well) – more positive on steeper angles.
  • Hold Count: 5
    Size: Small
    Style: Jugs
    Difficulty: Moderate
    Shaper: Jason Kehl
    Weight: 3.50 lbs

  • View Full Size Hold Color Options

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So iLL diagram showing the jugs style of climbing holds a so ill diagram indicating the fungus of incut for a hold set.  This set is 5 out of 5 so ill climbing hold diagram indicating the best angles to use climbing holds on.  This set is best at slab, vert, 15°, 30°, 45°, and roof
So iLL diagram showing the jugs style of climbing holds a so ill diagram indicating the fungus of incut for a hold set.  This set is 5 out of 5 so ill climbing hold diagram indicating the best angles to use climbing holds on.  This set is best at slab, vert, 15°, 30°, 45°, and roof


  • the so ill roids are put on a climbing wall
  • the so ill roids family is shown as a collection in the lavender colorway
  • a route setter contemplates using the roids for climbing

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