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Smooth Medium

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  • Louie Anderson is back to the So iLL roots. Remember the sissy pinches and slopers? These are a hybrid, bringing you rounded shapes that are clean and simple. There is one way to grab them but multiple ways to set with them. These are perfect for very slightly overhanging routes and boulder problems.
  • Hold Count: 5
    Size: Large
    Style: Slopers
    Shaper: Louie Anderson
    Difficulty: Moderate
    Weight: 4.00 lbs
    Ultra Bomber Urethane

  • View Full Size Hold Color Options

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So iLL diagram showing the jugs style of climbing holds a so ill diagram indicating the fungus of incut for a hold set.  This set is 4 out of 5 so ill climbing hold diagram indicating the best angles to use climbing holds on.  This set is best at slab, vert, 15°, 30°, 45°, and roof
So iLL diagram showing the jugs style of climbing holds a so ill diagram indicating the fungus of incut for a hold set.  This set is 4 out of 5 so ill climbing hold diagram indicating the best angles to use climbing holds on.  This set is best at slab, vert, 15°, 30°, 45°, and roof

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